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Gui4CLI script | 1998-07-06 | 6.7 KB | 247 lines |
- G4C
- ; Palette.gc by D.Keletsekis & J.Collett
- ; ---------------------------------------------------------------
- ; A full palette gui with many capabilities
- ; Press CONTROL-J to make it jump screens
- ; ---------------------------------------------------------------
- winbig -1 -1 235 120 'Palette'
- wintype 11110001
- box 0 0 0 0 out button
- ; ---------------------------------------------------------------
- ; system events
- ; ---------------------------------------------------------------
- xonload
- guiopen palette.gc
- xonopen
- info palette palette.gc/5 ; get info on *our* platte
- type = 'update' ; set the subroutine type
- gosub palette.gc update ; Subroutine
- xonRMB
- ; on rmb we update to the color under mouse position
- update palette.gc 5 $$mouse.color
- ; and update since we did not click on the palette
- gosub palette.gc update
- xonclose
- guiquit palette.gc
- ; ---------------------------------------------------------------
- ; palette & sliders
- ; ---------------------------------------------------------------
- xPalette 10 5 225 30
- gadid 5
- gadhelp 'Click on a color, (or click RMB anywhere else)'
- gosub palette.gc $type
- xHSlider 40 40 160 12 R red 0 15 0 %2ld
- gadhelp "Adjust RED intensity"
- setcolor palette.gc $$color.num $red $green $blue
- gadid 1
- xHSlider 40 52 160 12 G green 0 15 0 %2ld
- gadhelp "Adjust GREEN intensity"
- setcolor palette.gc $$color.num $red $green $blue
- gadid 2
- xHSlider 40 64 160 12 B blue 0 15 0 %2ld
- gadhelp "Adjust BLUE intensity"
- setcolor palette.gc $$color.num $red $green $blue
- gadid 3
- ; ---------------------------------------------------------------
- ; routine to update sliders & get variables
- ; ---------------------------------------------------------------
- xRoutine update
- ; get the current values from internal variables
- red = $$color.r
- green = $$color.g
- blue = $$color.b
- num = $$color.num
- total = $$color.total
- oldred = $red ; store old values for undo
- oldgreen = $green
- oldblue = $blue
- update palette.gc 1 $red ; Update sliders
- update palette.gc 2 $green
- update palette.gc 3 $blue
- setwintitle palette.gc 'Palette color $num of $total'
- ; ---------------------------------------------------------------
- ; Undo button
- ; ---------------------------------------------------------------
- xbutton 10 85 70 14 Undo ; undo last changes
- setcolor palette.gc $$color.num $oldred $oldgreen $oldblue
- gosub palette.gc update
- ; ---------------------------------------------------------------
- ; Load a previously saved palette
- ; (i.e. a normal GUI with a list of setcolor commands)
- ; ---------------------------------------------------------------
- xbutton 80 85 70 14 Load..
- gadhelp "Load a previously saved gui, which sets the palette."
- filename = ''
- ReqFile -1 -1 300 -40 'Load Palette gui:' LOAD filename 'GUIs:tools/palette'
- if $filename > ' '
- if $filename H= "G4C"
- guiload $filename palette.gc ; pass our gui name as argument
- update palette.gc 5 1 ; go back to color No 1
- info palette palette.gc/5 ; get info on palette
- gosub palette.gc update ; redraw the sliders etc
- else
- ezreq 'Please choose a Gui4Cli script pallete' OK ''
- endif
- endif
- ; ---------------------------------------------------------------
- ; Save a palette
- ; make a loop and write a gui to set all colors
- ; ---------------------------------------------------------------
- xbutton 150 85 70 14 Save..
- gadhelp "Save the current palette as a Gui."
- filename = ''
- ReqFile -1 -1 300 -40 'Save Palette as:' SAVE filename 'Guis:tools/palette'
- if $filename = ''
- stop
- endif
- guiwindow palette.gc wait
- setwintitle palette.gc 'Saving Palette...'
- info palette palette.gc/5 ; make sure we're talcking about *our* palette
- .palette = 'G4C\n\n;Palette\n\nxOnLoad gui\n'
- count = 0
- while $count < $total
- update palette.gc 5 $count ; choose each colors in sequence
- append env:.palette 'setcolor \$gui $count $$color.r $$color.g $$color.b\n'
- ++count
- endwhile
- extract filename file guiname
- append env:.palette 'guiquit $guiname\n'
- copy env:.palette $filename
- delete env:.palette
- guiwindow palette.gc resume
- update palette.gc 5 1
- info palette palette.gc/5
- gosub palette.gc update
- ; ---------------------------------------------------------------
- ; Copy, Exchange, Spread buttons
- ; ---------------------------------------------------------------
- xbutton 10 100 70 14 Copy
- gosub palette.gc fixvalues
- type = 'copy'
- xbutton 80 100 70 14 Exchange
- gosub palette.gc fixvalues
- type = 'exchange'
- xbutton 150 100 70 14 Spread
- gosub palette.gc fixvalues
- type = 'spread'
- ; store the current values in undo since we'll need them
- xRoutine fixvalues
- oldred = $red
- oldgreen = $green
- oldblue = $blue
- ; ---------------------------------------------------------------
- ; routine to copy values
- ; ---------------------------------------------------------------
- xRoutine copy
- ;Set new colour to old values
- setcolor palette.gc $$color.num $oldred $oldgreen $oldblue
- type = 'update' ; Reset routine flag
- setwintitle palette.gc 'Copied color $num to $$color.num'
- num = $$color.num
- update palette.gc 5 $num
- gosub palette.gc update
- ; ---------------------------------------------------------------
- ; routine to exchange values
- ; ---------------------------------------------------------------
- xRoutine exchange
- pal.on = $num ; Store existing colour number
- red = $$color.r ; get new values
- green = $$color.g
- blue = $$color.b
- num = $$color.num
- ;Set each colour to other values
- setcolor palette.gc $num $oldred $oldgreen $oldblue
- setcolor palette.gc $pal.on $red $green $blue
- type = 'update' ; Reset routine flag
- ; Update window title
- setwintitle palette.gc 'Exchanged colors $pal.on and $num'
- update palette.gc 5 $num
- gosub palette.gc update
- ; ---------------------------------------------------------------
- ; Routine to do the spreading.
- ; ---------------------------------------------------------------
- xROUTINE spread
- ; use local variables..
- local col2/r2/g2/b2/rstep/gstep/bstep/sign/colnum/r/g/b
- ; get the 2nd color values
- col2 = $$color.num
- r2 = $$color.r
- g2 = $$color.g
- b2 = $$color.b
- ; if there is no spread, return
- if $(abs($num - $col2)) <= 1
- return
- endif
- ; which direction are we going
- sign = 1
- if $num > $col2
- sign = -1
- endif
- ; how many colors are we spreading ?
- colnum = $(abs($col2 - $num) - 1)
- ; work out the change step for each color
- rstep = $(($r2 - $oldred) / $colnum)
- gstep = $(($g2 - $oldgreen) / $colnum)
- bstep = $(($b2 - $oldblue) / $colnum)
- ; set all colors
- count = 0
- while $count < $colnum
- ++count
- ; use == so we get integers (should add trunc(x) function)
- r == $($oldred + ($count * $rstep)) * 1
- g == $($oldgreen + ($count * $gstep)) * 1
- b == $($oldblue + ($count * $bstep)) * 1
- setcolor palette.gc $($num + ($count * $sign)) $r $g $b
- endwhile
- type = 'update' ; Reset routine flag
- gosub palette.gc update